Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Luna's great thestral scene

With the final film now on the horizon (less than two months left to wait), I have been thinking lately of some of my favourite scenes from the movies. I don't always like what they do to J.K.'s novels when they write the scripts but they do manage to come up with some great stuff from time to time.

One scene that leaps to mind is the one in The Order of the Phoenix where Harry finds Luna Lovegood, barefoot in the forest, feeding the mysterious Thestrals. Luna tells Harry that she and her father believe him when he says that Voldemort has returned and, when he responds by saying that they might be the only ones who do believe him, Luna gives a lovely answer.

She says something like, "I guess that's how he wants you to feel. Because, if you're all alone, you're not as much of a threat". Evanna Lynch plays the scene beautifully (as she does all her scenes) and the message worms its way into Harry's brain.

It's a great scene. One of my favourites in the movies. More great scenes tomorrow.

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