Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Seen the Movies, Not Read the Books!

I have a friend who has watched all of the Harry Potter movies avidly. She owns them on DVD and enjoys them a lot. She loves to talk about the stories and the characters and the places.

But she's never read a single one of J.K. Rowling's novels.

Weird, eh? She's very excited about the coming of the eighth and final movie but she told me she has avoided looking for anything about it on-line for fear of spoilers: she has no idea what's going to happen and how things will end.

It's like she's caught in a time warp. How can anyone not know what happens at the end of The Deathly Hallows? Especially someone who is interested in Harry Potter?

And yet, in a way, I envy her. She's going to start reading the books after seeing the final film. She has ahead of her the absolute thrill and wonder of reading J.K.'s novels for the first time. I remember the incredible anticipation I felt while waiting for the seventh book to be published, the excitement I enjoyed while finally getting to read it.

She's got all that ahead of her. She's weird but lucky.

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