Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jim Dale makes Hermione too whiney

I've loved the novels, I've enjoyed (for the most part) the movies, and I have even discovered the joy of having the J.K. Rowling's masterpieces read to me through the magic of books on CD.

I have heard that Stephen Frye, one of the most talented performers in England today, has read for a line of such CDs but the only ones I've been able to find is the version featuring Jim Dale doing the reading. Not that I'm complaining. Dale does an excellent job on The Deathly Hallows (the only book-on-CD version I actually own).

Well, with one really significant exception.

I hate the way he makes Hermione sound like she's whining all the time. No matter what lines she's given in the novel, Dale makes her sound like a nagging whiner.

That's not the Hermione I know.

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